By now, you’ve probably heard her name or had a friend show you the video posted on social media of the amazing floor routine that scored a perfect 10… Katelyn Ohashi.
I don’t think anyone who watched the viral video of her floor routine could miss seeing the athleticism and enthusiasm she showcased throughout her performance. What didn’t you see? Her perseverance. At only 16, this elite athlete suffered not just a shoulder injury but a back injury that required surgery. Either one of these could have shut the door on gymnastics forever…but it didn’t.
Perhaps athletes take these types of injuries and recoveries for granted but that’s not the average person at the grocery store or even at my fitness class. Like most, I have experienced peaks and valleys in life and have always found it inspirational to hear about others who have suffered through a low point in their life only to come back stronger and smarter from their experience. Hard times can be teaching moments that help us to grow mentally and emotionally but each person must dig down and find the strength to move on – even if it takes a little help from a pint of ice cream and a Netflix binge session.
So, thank you, Katatelyn Ohashi. Not only have you provided inspiration for your team and school but also for this time tested Korean American woman just when she needed it.